Monday, October 12, 2020

High Point University's New Masters Degree Program Offers 2020 Graduates a Big Opportunity Despite Coronavirus

Kaitlyn Graham

Q news

The coronavirus pandemic has changed everyday life for many. After working diligently for nearly 16 years, seniors in college all over the world could not get the satisfaction of a graduation ceremony to commemorate their academic achievements. Also, for the rest of the school year classes were moved online.

But how much of effect has cancelling not only classes, but graduation and other senior activities, had on High Point University's new graduates? 

Like many of her peers in High Point University's class of 2020, 22-year-old Anna Linares has been affected by the sudden transition to online learning back in March due to the coronavirus pandemic. "I remember talking to my mom and thinking we would be back in school by Easter or just after Easter," said Linares. "I did not think it would last as long as it did".

The sudden shift caused many graduates to change their overall plans after undergrad. Unfortunately 2020 college graduates were faced with very high unemployment rates, and few companies willing to hire. According to an article from CNBC news, since March, 38.6 million Americans have lost their jobs and in April, the national unemployment rate was 14.7%.  

There was still light at the end of the tunnel for HPU's graduates. The university offered a year long masters degree program with free tuition with the exception of room and board. The Master of Arts in Communication and Business Leadership is an ideal option for HPU graduates especially considering that many were unable to get employed after college due to the pandemic.

"Where I wanted to work wasn't hiring and High Point had this great opportunity for the class of 2020, it just made sense to go back to school and do something productive for a year." stated Linares.

The MA program offers students business, communication, and leadership skills that will be beneficial to any career that one wants to pursue. It has a total of 30 credit hours and offers courses such as organizational behavior and data and decision making.

"I was really nervous, I never saw myself as someone who would go to grad school especially at this stage in my life." Linares added. "It really gave me a solid next step."

Students in this MA program can be found around campus putting their skills to work. In my copy-editing class, graduate student Taylor Helson serves as a teachers assistant. "When I heard that this was an option I definitely wanted to pursue it because copy-editing especially was one of the courses that shaped my undergrad experience," said Helson.

"I never wanted to be a grad student." Helson stated. "I had to quickly retract what I have ever said about grad school when I figured out that the market that I am trying to enter in is not hiring, and they are still not hiring not even for interns and so I had to think quick and said you know I am gonna further my education because it is only a year."

Certainly the graduate program may have been a last resort or "best bet" for many students including Anna Linares and Taylor Helson, but it offers a chance for them to become even more multifaceted and can almost guarantee they will be a great asset in any field they want to enter.

"I never really anticipated grad school as an option and when it came my way I kind of had an instant sense of comfort that this program and all these opportunities within the program were for me at this time." said Helson.

For more information on the masters opportunity visit: 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Transhistoric Relationship Between the Press and the Government

In one of my journalism classes we were asked to watch the 2005 film Good Night and Good Luck. This movie centers around the anti-communism regime of the 1950s. It also focused on the need for more educational television programming. Edward Murrow was depicted in this film. Murrow was one of the most prominent journalist in history and he was known for his television show Hear it Now. He provided crucial information during the anticommunist hysteria and advocated for keeping the public informed. In 1954 he called out Senator Joseph McCarthy for some shady actions he was taking regarding his accusations of people being communist.

Edward Murrow was exercising his rights in the sixth clause of the First Amendment, to petition the government, and used his voice to make a change. Thanks to the third clause of The First Amendment which states that Congress are not to abridge the freedom of the press, Murrow was successful even though people did try to get in his way. He was eventually appointed as Director of the U.S Information Agency in 1961 by John F. Kennedy. source 

Murrow's words from 1954 apply to the Trump age: 'We must not ...

Even though the First Amendment is in place for people like Edward Murrow to be protected, sometimes speech is suppressed because certain people or groups are afraid of being called out. The chilling effect is the concept of preventing free speech and association rights protected by the First Amendment as a result of government laws or actions that appear to target expression. The Chilling Effect was put into action during the McCarthy era. For more information on this you can view this article.

The relationship between the press and the government is a complicated one. The press is often overly critical of the government or does a great job at bringing up issues that need to be address more in depth.  Government leaders are often under pressure. Check out this New York Times article that discusses the modern day press and its relationship to the Trump administration.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Press During the Civil War

From the first shots fired at Fort Sumter to the bloody battle at Antietam, the Civil war was a pivotal historical event in American history that has permanently shaped this country. What would such a huge occurrence in history such as the Civil war be without critics, and of course, journalist? People had to take their sides. Some were for the war some against it, some were team Union some were team Confederate.

Journalist during the Civil war would go so far as to risk their own lives to get the inside scoop on the war. George Smally of the New York Tribune was so close to one of the battles that his horse had been hit by gunfire. There was intense competition among journalist to get their story published in the newspaper. Smally was supportive of the union being that he was from the North. On the other hand, a journalist named Peter Wellington Alexander was from the south. Alexander was a reporter for the Savannah Republican. In one article he described the poor condition that confederate soldiers were in.

Modern day journalist play a role in preserving history and recounting the events of the war. Ford Risley published an article that discusses in depth, journalism during the Civil War, the types of stories that would be published, illustrations and artwork that is used in such publications, and technological developments during the time. You can read what else Ford Risley has to say on this topic here!

The Pennsylvania press was quite popular during war times. In 1861 there were 28  daily and 242 weekly newspapers in the state. In Philadelphia alone there was the Public Ledger, the Inquirer, the Press, the Evening Bulletin, the North American, the Daily News, the Pennsylvanian, and the Evening Journal. Some interesting figures in Pennsylvania journalism are William W. Harding, James P. Barr and George Sanderson.1 There was a good amount of democratic influence in these newspapers.

1. Andrews, J. Cutler. “THE PENNSYLVANIA PRESS DURING THE CIVIL WAR.” Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, 1942, pp. 22–36. JSTOR, Accessed 6 May 2020.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Journalism Heroes: Hu Shuli

Throughout it's history, Journalism has brought forth some inspiring, brave, and admirable journalist. For every major event in history from the Civil war to the COVID-19 pandemic of today, there are influential journalist to keep the public informed, jump to action and stand up for what they believe in. A very noteworthy journalist who impacted many is Chinese journalist Hu Shuli.

Hu Shuli

Hu Shuli was born in 1953 in Beijing, China. Shuli was born into a family of journalist and publishers. She joined the army in 1970, and after the Cultural Revolution, she gained attended Renmin University of China in Beijing. After graduating with a degree in journalism, Hu went to work as a reporter for the Worker’s Daily. She was awarded a World Press Institute fellowship in 1987 that allowed her to study at Macalester College. Upon returning to China , she participated in the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy demonstrations of 1989. source

Hu Shuli serves as the editor-in-chief of the Caixin Media Group in which was founded in 2009. Shuli also was the chief reporter and international editor of China Business Times before founding Caijing, which is a business and finance magazine. She was an editor for Caijing for 11 years. Considered one of the most respected reporters in such a media-restrained country, she was listed as the 87th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes in 2011, and she was also listed among the Top 100 Influential People by Time magazine. Known for her bold prowess in the industry and her investigative work on fraud and corruption, she’s currently a board member of the International Women’s Media Foundation. She is a member of the Reuters Editorial Advisory Board and has a regional advisory role in the International Center for Journalists. source

Hu Shuli stands out in my opinion because I thought about the pandemic we are facing now. In China there was a great amount of chaos and confusion surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19, especially considering this is where the virus started. Also there has been an increase in prejudice against Chinese people. The issue of the virus puts pressure on journalist in China. I think Shuli played a role in relieving tensions in China by providing the facts and using her influence in a positive way. The Caixin Media Group investigated the effects of the virus and the casualties, which is a good way to make sure all information reported is factual. I think that Caixin was dedicated to make sure the public is in the know. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

My Experience at Mepkin Abbey Trappist Monastery

Over Spring break, I got the opportunity to travel with High Point University's Chapel on their biannual pilgrimage. This is the second pilgrimage I have been on they never fail to provide an enlightening experience that allows me to focus on serving God. We journeyed to the Mepkin Abbey Trappist Monastery for the first part of the week and for the other half of the week we will be exploring Charleston South Carolina's traditions relating to food, culture, and religion. This article is about just my experience at the monastery.

Mepkin Abbey is a community of Roman Catholic monks established in 1949. Being at the monastery was an immersive and refreshing experience. I learned about and practiced contemplative prayer, which simply put is a religious form of meditation. I was on this trip with nine others, and we had great reflective conversations about monastic life, our feelings about being there at the monastery, and we also discussed books such as the one we were given for the pilgrimage titled Just This by Richard Rohr. The book gave some insight about contemplation and just seeing beyond ourselves for a few days.

The first day at the monastery I did not know exactly what to expect. I imagined I would be sitting somewhere on a hill meditating...which is not something I'd really see myself doing, but it was a nice visual. Upon arriving I felt I was on sacred ground, even the room I slept in felt like I was in a holy place. There was beautiful nature surrounding the whole place; tons of trees covered in Spanish moss, gardens of flowers, a large lake, and more. We each got our own individual room, there was no T.V or internet access so we may focus more on meditation and quietness.

We went to prayer services and a daily mass service. The services were not what I was used to and I was really just going with the flow at first. In a typical monastic service you are greeted with the smell of incense, you recite chants and hymnals, and it is overall very traditional. I felt that there were too many services a day for my taste. However, by the last day I was more appreciative of these services and found them to be something I sort of looked forward to attending. I truly am grateful to discover the traditions of the monks, even when I had to wake up at 4 in the morning. Also I love to be with nature and there was a nice setting that reminded me of being at a park.

If you are interested in learning more about Mepkin Abbey Trappist Monastery you can visit their website here!

Journalism Heroes: The Black Press

“Too long have others spoken for us...We wish to plead our own cause.”

In a time where African-American's were hushed by society, a group of freed blacks gathered in New York City with a mission to let their voices be heard. In 1887 the Black Press was created, originally being titled, Freedoms Journal. The purpose of this newspaper was to discuss political, social, and economic issues in the community. During this time African-Americans would hardly be spoken of in newsprint unless it was referring to a crime. So The Black Press became an outlet of expression, discussion, and celebration. Many people caught on too, the newspaper's weekly circulation was 15,000.

Rev. Samuel Cornish and John B. Russwur were the paper’s original editors. Throughout the newspaper's circulation many famous figures and abolitionist contributed to the paper. Some names include: Fredrick Douglas, Ida B wells, Daisy Bates, WEB Dubois, Langston Hughes, and Mary McLeod Bethune. Roles that were required were would editors, publishers, and even cartoonist.


I find political cartoons to be very thoughtful and creative, although sometimes they go over my head. I found some interesting political cartoons from the Black Press. This cartoon from the Black Press pictured above was created during World War II by Jan Jackson. It depicts a double-standard of government intervention. The soldiers would rather go to help the ironically "enslaved" white woman in Europe instead of tending to real issues involving African-Americans. The black woman in chains depicts African-American struggles such as discrimination, racism, lynching, and civil rights. The purpose of this comic was to show where the United States government really was at the time of the Civil War. The Title of the cartoon states "We'll Be Back" It shows how the government puts off issues regarding American specifically Black issues. There were lots more cartoons and columns in the black press such as that gave blacks the chance to voice their political opinions. 

Today, the Black Press does not thrive as much as it did during the Great Depression, the Civil Rights Movement, and World War II, but it still in existence and has a website. Racism along with other issues in the black community are still present in the black community. The Black Press remains a news source that speaks out on those issues and so much more.

For more information on the Black Press you can view their website here!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Whistleblowers: When Calling Out the Government Goes Wrong

Sometimes being a being a journalist has its downsides. Keeping the public informed is a task that may come with restrictions. For example, lets say the American government has engaged in some shady actions behind the scenes. Perhaps the military has took some actions that you wouldn't see on the news, actions that are unethical and unlawful. A journalist that is bold enough to report on these instances, may be faced with dire consequences. They would be considered whistleblowers, and their actions could result in them being arrested or even killed. But doesn't the public deserve to know what is happening? Aren't all journalist protected by the 1st Amendment?

Australian journalist and computer programmer Julian Assange, is one of the most prominent whistleblowers today. He is the founder of WikiLeaks, a website where confidential information is shared worldwide. Assange is also great at hacking into computers and databases, which of course had gotten him into some trouble on many occasions. Why does he hack into these databases so much? Is it to find some dirt on his ex-girlfriend? Well...maybe, but mainly his goal is to find some dirt on the government and inform people about it.

Julian Assange was arrested in 2019 after planning to hack into the Pentagon's computer network. He is currently in HM Prison Belmarsh in London and is reportedly in bad health and is put in solitary confinement. I do not believe that this treatment of Assange is appropriate at all. It seems that all he was really trying to do is use his knowledge of computers and his profession as a journalist to recognize unlawful actions of the government and let the public know. I do think that putting our nose in others business can go really wrong, but shouldn't governmental actions be "our business"? 

Personally, I do believe in informing the public of "news" that takes place beyond what we see on news channels and what we read in articles. There are many happenings behind the surface that people should know about. I decided to go take a look at WikiLeaks myself and I found some interesting articles. I saw many articles on companies that I buy from such as Amazon, and I learned more information about those companies that you wouldn't find on the site. For example I was reading about AmazonAtlas which shows information and operational details of hundreds of data centers and gives a map of their location. You can check out WikiLeaks here.

I must say, Whistleblowers are very bold...and sort of crazy in my opinion, but they are necessary and important. I think Julian Assange should be released from prison. I don't think he committed any serious crime that requires this magnitude of punishment. This is clearly an attempt of keeping Assange silent and it is a disregard for the first amendment. Sadly, being a whisleblower can result in these circumstances, but hats off to those who are brave enough to speak out.

The History and Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

The United States Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial branch in the world. It consist of 9 justices who are responsible for enforcing and upholding the Amendments in the Articles of Confederation and what is mentioned in the Constitution. Throughout American history there have been a little over a hundred Supreme Court Justices. The Judicial branch is very important because they determine if a law can get passed by making sure it is constitutional. The Supreme Court is very powerful mainly due to the Marbury v. Madison case (1803), this is when Judicial Review came to be.
Home-Supreme Court of the United States,

Sometimes the Supreme Court's actions are controversial, and ironically aren't so constitutional themselves. For example the Dred Scott v. Sanford case, when the Supreme Court excluded African-Americans from the Constitution and determined they should not have rights as citizens. This decision was a major blow to the Supreme Court and was even a contributing factor of the Civil War. After the war this court decision was of course done away with. Then the 14th amendment was passed redefining citizenship and it stated that anyone born on American soil is considered a citizen.

The Supreme Court has many decisions to make. They receive thousands of cases a year and very few are considered.  Sometimes their consensus may be controversial, but many times some pretty great laws end up getting passed. The 15th Amendment granted African-American men the right to vote and the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote. I think it is very important that citizens no matter the race or gender, can have a say in who is elected into office. Also I think citizens should have a say in the decisions of the government and should have a right to petition, so the first amendment is also very important in my opinion.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My Top Five News Sources

WFMY News 2
I have lived in Greensboro NC my whole life. This news site has been the most reliable local news station for me. The anchors and reporters have great personalities and the overall feel of the newscast is laid back and fun. I can find out about local happenings that I may be able to take a part in, I can see what is happening around the world, and I am informed about issues in the community to look out for such as crimes. Here is a link to the news site:

CBS News
CBS is definitely one of the most reliable national news sources. Whether you're watching CBS in the morning, CBS evening news, the Sunday Morning newscast, or 60 minutes, you will be in the know with all important happenings around the world. This newscast has a more serious mood than other newscast. You can check it out here:

Yep that's right, this popular social media app is a great way to find out about news and happenings all around the world! It is also great to see peoples reaction to the news through tweets, and sometimes memes to makes you laugh. You can get the scoop on celebrity drama and current trends as well. Of course you can share your own opinion on whats going on too. Take a look:

Google News
If you use Google as your main search engine like I do, then I am sure you will enjoy the convenience of Google news. Google has various useful apps for its users, and their news site is especially beneficial. You will be up to date with current events and happenings around the world. One thing I like about Google news though is it's easy to navigate layout. There aren't tons of ads in your face and you can just scroll through everything, and if you have a slow laptop like I do it won't take forever to load.

CNN News
CNN news is the best news site for breaking news, the truly will not waste anytime getting you information you need to know. I think they are a trustworthy news source, though many would disagree. Honestly this one is okay and definitely not my favorite, but still good. See for